I had another post all ready but the students got all excited and I got curious. They ran out, laid down on the grass and started taking photos of the sky. Rin and I stood at the window, sort of laughing at their antics.

One student, Ning, came in and said there was a round rainbow in the sky. I've seen it before so I wasn't too bothered. But it was fun seeing everyone really excited about it and pointing up at the sky and taking photos.

I did a bit of research. Some people at school called it a corona and wiki calls it a halo. I'm almost sure there is a difference but I'm not sure which one we got. But here it is. Another teacher took a photo and I just snagged it. I won't dream of looking at the sun for any reason.

And in my next post, I'll show you what Rin and I saw ;)

Comments (3)

On Friday, June 22, 2007 8:36:00 pm , Anonymous said...


On Saturday, June 23, 2007 10:25:00 pm , Anonymous said...

Finally! Someone who had seen it before too. My first was when I was in highschool (1999). Remembered the year very well because it was my PMR year.

On Sunday, June 24, 2007 9:15:00 pm , ZEYN, THE PERPETUAL STRANGER said...


dah biasa nangga. sampei the same phenomenon that happened to bulan lagiklah lejuk! hehe...