Most people are afraid of public speaking. There is a difference between talking about nothing to whole bunch of strangers and talking with a purpose to a whole bunch of strangers.

Talking to strangers does not bother me. What does bother me is the act of performing. Even if I can sing, the moment I have to sing in public, my voice actually croaks. Just as I'll dance but if you pay me any attention while I dance, I'll dance wrong. Clubbing is different. Any idiot can go clubbing. In fact, I have seen some idiots dancing at clubs.

So tonight, I have to do two things. One, I actually have to be a dessert princess who has fallen in love with a man who can't choose between two women. So much so that the women went to war over him. It's something I'll personally never do but for the sake of my speech project, I'll do it.

The other thing I need to do is lead a few people who have never bellydanced in a belly dancing routine. Aaarrggh! If I wasn't too tired to scream and fret about it, I would.

So I'm nervous as hell and the only thing that keeps me calm now is the fact that nobody will know I've done anything wrong unless I tell them. Haha! The first rule of public speaking - Nobody knows you've made a mistake unless you tell them.

And tonight, I ain't telling.

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