I was so deliriously happy to see this piece of news. And to make things more whee worthy, I went and read this at the creator's own blog. American McGee's sequel to Alice, at last!!

A person I used to call my friend got me hooked on American McGee's Alice the first time. Since then, I've played it and uninstalled it and then re-installed it to play it again. Some parts give me a horrible headache because of the things we have to do to get from one point to the other. It's a little frustrating at parts but definitely not a game to play to relax. It's kinda like playing the Harry Potter games but less whiney.

I am so bloody glad the sequel is in the works. A game to look forward to!

And if you have never played Alice, do go try it. It is whacked and I think it is an excellent game.

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