I caught the 9 p.m. show of Elektra at Star Cineplex with Shook last night. I've heard of a bit of mixed reviews from my students about it but I decided to watch it anyway just so that I can judge for myself.
I've watched a lot of girl-power themed movies and walked out feeling empowered by the movies themselves. Yet, last night, I walked away from Elektra feeling sleepy and needing to go to the toilet.
I've got nothing against Elektra. In fact, Shook introduced me to the comic books and I was hooked. But when I heard that they had
Jennifer Garner to take on that role, I was a bit sceptical.
The only thing I actually looked forward to in the movie was
Jason Isaacs' small cameo appreance. And he, thank goodness, did not disappoint me. The other thing that was of a pleasant surprise to me were the bad guys. I was fascinated by Typhoid played by Natassia Malthe as well as Kirigi played by Will Yun Lee. There was a time when I always cheered for the bad guys but I thought those days were long gone. Apparently not.
Now why was I not happy with Elektra? It was like watching Sydney Bristow wearing a super red hot outfit and armed with a pair of
Sai instead of a gun. Now there's a reason why I stopped watching Alias. One of it was the fact that I know spies want to be able to blend into the background and not attract attention. But Sydney Bristow struts around attracting attention. The other reason was that Sydney Bristow does not act as if she's a trained CIA agent. For example, if you are on a mission, the whole idea is to avoid detection. So why does Sydney hardly ever take steps measures to avoid detection?
So maybe I was a little bias when I walked into Elektra. But I was willing to give it a chance...until I saw Elektra doing the Sydney Brostow strut. At that point, I figured I was better off having a nice, quiet alone time with Shook.
All I could hope then was that Jennifer Garner would not have the same effect on me that
Jessica Alba has on Mac or Sarah Michelle Gellar has on another friend of ours.
To think that the producers linked this movie to X-Men instead of
Daredevil after they saw how much of a flop Daredevil was.
*sigh* I think I'll stick to the comic books from now on. At least, they don't disappoint me.
I just hope and pray that
Constantine will be good. If not, at least I can drool over Keanu Reeves.

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