My mother just told me the weirdest story. But then again, living in Kuching...I'm not surprised.

Anyway, she just got back from Coffee Bean with my aunts and uncle. When she was there, she had ordered her usual cappuccino. Well, she got it and discovered that it had too much milk in it. So she told the guy behind the counter and he said that that was their normal serving. The thing, that's not her first time there and she told him so. Then he said that nowadays their single and double milk scoops have the same portion. To me, this was an 'huh?' moment. Now how can a single and a double be of the same portion?

It didn't end there. Then the guy proceeded to tell my mom and aunts and uncle that they serve less coffee in the coffee because too many people complaint that there was too much coffee in their coffee (Gee! Try saying that quickly a few times in a row!). Now this was a real 'duh!' moment. I mean, COFFEE Bean! You'd expect to get coffee. Just thank goodness that they don't serve espresso the way it was originally meant to be served; in small itsy bitsy cups that contain 2 spoonfuls of water and 10 spoonfuls of coffee!!

If people complain that there's too much coffee, recommend the damn tea or hot chocolate or the syrup or plain water! I bet you anything the complaints came from wannabes who just wannabe seen at (uuuhhhh! Cool! Cool giler!) Coffee Bean. This is like going to a bakery and complaining that they sell too many pastries!

Some people are just plain dumb. But the Darwin awards go to the stupid management of the place who listened to them seriously. You're a franchise! You have a guideline to follow. I doubt Coffee Bean in the United States agreed to something along the lines of 'If a customer comes into the establishment complaining of too much coffee, then we shall serve them more MILK!'

Sheesh! If they keep up this stupidity, the real fans of the place and the drinks might end up giving up on them and then they'd go kaput and Kuching's back to square one...backwards!

Seriously, this sounds like an olen jut (think orange juice in Ah Lian pronounciation) incident all over again!

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