I am not a football fan. I am a social football watcher. Since there are social drinkers and social smokers, then I am a social football watcher.

I only watch football if it's in front of me and I am absolutely nothing else to do or watch. And the only part of it I'll follow is to see who won.

So, with that as a warning, I can easily say, I don't understand some people. Recently, I heard one guy in China saved his TV from his burning house and let his wife save their child just so that he could run outside, find an electrical outlet and watch the World Cup! I'm not going to bother to find the links because...I can't be bothered! Then there are people who resigned from their work just so they could watch football in peace.

And last night, there was this asshole who kept whining to his wife about how long Superman Returns was and how it didn't seem it was going to end soon enough for him because he wanted to watch football. His exact words were 'Eeh, cepat agik eh! Aku nak nangga bol!' (To translate loosely : 'Be quick. I want to go and watch football) He said this over and over again throughout the last half an hour of the movie. And he was sitting right behind Shook. I was so tempted to turn to him and yell for him to bloody leave the cineplex if he was going to be THAT pathetic. Why couldn't he take his wife and children to watch the movie another time then?! And his poor wife had to keep him quiet and then, before the movie was actually over, once he saw the line that states who did the subtitles, he got up and drag his poor son out the cineplex while the son was still looking at the screen!

You see, as far as I am concerned, if you want to be a fan, then be a fan. Go watch it, go bet on it, go live it, go die for it. But just go! I don't care how you go, just go! Don't torture the rest of us with your poor, loser existence and attitude. Don't sit there and whine about how you're missing the all-important event of your life like you had nothing else to do. And if you're going to whine then do it somewhere quiet (like in a room with padded walls) and learn to organise your schedule properly.

It's people like these that give all football fans a bad name. Most fans I see and know will sit and enjoy the game. They will arrange their lives properly. Granted they arrange it around the matches but it's still properly done.

And want to know what's even sadder? The pathetic fuck was a Malay! If it is possible to be racial discriminating against my own race, then I might be it! There are some great Malays out there who work hard for their living, who can juggle their lives perfectly, who can not rely on the government for everything. Yet they are the few. The general masses are sad people who have an inferiority complex and a kiasu attitude that would rival all Singaporeans!

And this was my only sore spot during Superman Returns last night. But it didn't stay sore for long because Superman solves all my problems ;)

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