I'm blogging while watching Numbers. I enjoy that show. It should be used by Maths teachers more. I know that in the US teachers can request education packs to be used in the classrooms. I'd do it if I were a Maths teachers. But I teach History so I make my students watch war movies instead.

Before I go into the reason for my post title, I'd like to promote Yodie's very own blog. I think she might have been partly inspired by Dexter but she'll probably deny it. Yodie's too smart for bandwagons. And Dexter went and made himself a bed in a suitcase. Talk about living out of a bag! Haha!

Anyway, to get back to mood swings. I had forgotten how bad mood swings could be until my girls got into a mood swing today. One of them goes from moody to happy in the blink of an eye and another one just absorbs it all and gets all moody as well. Another girl is rather matured about it and told me she's always careful to control her mood swings until she gets home where she can't affect her friends. I wish I had that much maturity when I was younger. But at her age, I was not moody at all. I just didn't care enough to feel moods.

Sometimes, it's good to take care of teenagers. You know how girls tend to 'follow' each other's menstrual cycle when they spend too much time together? well, my girls do too. So I can almost predict when they'll get moody and sulky and whiney one minute and happy and hyper the next.

Today Mohd Azlan Iskandar, a squash player came to school today and gave a talk. And I assigned my 3 girls to interview him. By the time he was done, he had 3 more fans and I had to deal with giggles and hops and squees. If I was less patient, I would have either been angry with them or I would have snapped at them. But I have 2 giggly sisters so 3 more giggly girls are no problem.

And it turns out that I know his family for a long time. My mom says he was cuter then but after doing a search for him on the Net - and discovering he has a Wikipedia page - I think he looks better now. I have some pictures of him in my laptop but I'm too lazy to upload them.

My girls got all excited to get his autograph so I told them I can get my 2 cousins to sign for them since they're kinda famous too. Haha! But I just want Axl Rose's autograph or Sean Connery's or Brandon Routh's or even Donnie Yen's.

Luckily, I've long given up on being starry-eyed. Saves me a lot of trouble and disappointment.

So I'll go see what Dexter has been up to and be more lighthearted now.

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