I finally got round to watching Twilight. Actually, I just started but I've been distracted so far by 1) a tummy ache, 2) Athena and 3) Athena's bath time. I will finish watching it eventually.

I uploaded all 2300+ photos from my camera into my computer which I will then back-up to the external hard disc. And then I will make copies on DVD. Of course I have to be careful because about 2000 photos are those of Athena. Is anyone surprised she reacts to a camera with a smile nowadays?

I'll be going to Bintulu this Monday and I'll be back on Tuesday. Can't stay long because I don't get leave from work unless for a good reason, Athena is coming with me and I think Shook has exams or is flying the rest of the week. And yes, I do so want to distract Shook further so he has to stay longer in that idiotically-run place. (And if you were not sure, that last sentence was dripping in acid)

I am seriously considering a slight change in my career options. I think I'll go for it, just to see if I can. If it works out, it's a new challenge to keep me occupied for another decade. If it doesn't, well I always have other plans in place.

I really need to get round to finish typing out my story. Seems like such a waste to plan something so well then drop it into oblivion. I always say I don't have time but the truth is, I spend so much time playing with Athena and catching up on things I've missed out with her while at work that I don't feel like doing much else.

I went and had my hair cut. It was a decision forced upon me by the combination of heat, the frustration of looking around for my hairband in the middle of the night and feeling bored of either tying my hair or clipping it up.

I accompanied my students to Swinburne for a debate recently. It was rather interesting. I'm not saying that just to be polite. Although I complained a lot about their time management earlier in the event, the experience it gave my students and the wonderful time they had as well as the new friends they made sort of made me forgive the organisers. They were also very helpful to my students. So despite everything, I don't mind bringing them back there next year.

And to finish off this post, my daughter is 7 months today and my best friend has been married a week today. Ain't life grand?

Comments (2)

On Monday, April 27, 2009 7:49:00 pm , HeadLiner said...

And whatcha think of Twilight ?
I watched it alone on DVD as Zetty refused to watch.

How's my niece ?

On Monday, May 04, 2009 2:49:00 pm , meyer said...

hullo... so sorry i've been silent. hope you're good... i know i don't make myself aware that often... but i'm here for you when you want me to :)