No, this has nothing to do with Destiny's Child but the sentiments are there.

I just got back from paying my bills. Fortunately, I just got paid today. Unfortunately, 5 hours after being paid and already I'm poorer by RM1,300. And I haven't even paid for my credit card yet! Neither have I paid Celcom, Telekom nor Streamyx. Maybe I'll just stay home for the next 2 months and not go anywhere at all.

I'm just feeling sorry for myself right now. I can't see myself being in anything other than the profession I have now. At the same time, I know I'm going nowhere and it's just frustrating.

People say that there's no such thing as a free lunch. Yet why do I see so many people taking it so easy and getting so much? I guess there really is a sucker born every minute...

I'm going to shut up now. Oh, I got a LiveJournal account for a project I'm thinking of working on. But I'm not going to advertise the project too much yet until I actually start it properly. Maybe I'll just allow a limited few people access to it just so I can get some feedback.

Other than that, I'm going to go wallow in self-pity for a while and make myself even more depressed by calculating how much more I need to spend before the creditors stop coming after me!

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