Remember I mentioned something about my family going to New York?

Well, I just found out that they won't be back until after Hari Raya!

So, unless Raya falls on the 4th or 5th, I'll be all alone here in Kuching for Hari Raya. But I'll still have my usual 2nd day open house because I've already promised my students. My mom suggested I spend first day at Shook's house. Not sure how he'll react to that idea.

This is quite the reversal to when I was in Michigan. I remember calling home on the 2nd day of Raya and crying my eyes out because I could hear all the noise in the background and I was feeling miserable and alone in my dorm room. And begging my mom not to hang up the phone because I was so homesick!

On the plus side, I'm not important enough (because I'm not filthy rich!) to merit a visit from my father's side of the family. So...yeah...good things happen in small doses all right!

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