I was talking to one of my colleagues and referred to my class as the stage for the Bold and the Beautiful. As soon as I said it, I realised how true it was. But on a high school scale.

I have one guy who believes he is in love with a girl but the girl swears she hates him. Apparently, he 'cheated' on her by going out with another girl. Now, this guy is a very nice bad boy. He cares for his friends, he cherishes his girlfriends, he's the shoulder everyone knows they can cry on. He will also fight for his beliefs and rushes to defend anyone who cannot defend themselves. He is just an all-around nice guy. But at the same time, he qualifies as a bad boy. He drinks, smokes, has many girlfriends at once, he races. Yet his own shoulders carry his own burdens. So he's distracted by this girl and his friends make it worst when they tell him she looks at him when he's not looking at her.

Then I have the young love couple. Both deny they're dating yet both act more lovey-dovey than Shook and I do! They are the scary ones because they tend to disappear into the fire escape stairwell. Out of sight = possible trouble.

And I have the 'rock' band members. They are the ones who must have a guitar in their hands at all possible times or else they might expire from lack of music. So I get entertained by the occasional Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, classical guitar tunes and oldies. Once in a while, Elvis shows up.

I also have the biologically a teenager but mentally an 8 year old student and I also have the biologically pre-teen but mentally young adult student.

And, of course, what classroom is complete without the slacker?

I have them all. Keeping an eye on all of them is what drains me. So do I like being nagged outside like I get at school? Do I want to talk about school when I'm out and about at night?

I love my kids but not that much :)

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