Revenge makes such incredible movie fodder.

I just got home from watching Death Race. I seriously thought it would be some Mad Max-esque racing movie. I also figured it would be mindless at best.

Turns out I was wrong. It wasn't as predictable as some movies I've watched recently, although I did expect a few of the outcome and it was mad Max-esque. I thought the plot might be choppy but the writers actually managed to plug some plot holes before the end. the only thing is that it's not as gritty as Mad Max. Now he was one kickass post-Apocalypse driver.

Death Race can appeal to the female audience because you do get to see a shot of Jason Statham's naked behind albeit from a distance. Not to mention his yummy body, especially when he was doing those chin-ups. This shot was up close. Hey, it makes one more appreciative of the male physique when it's all in the right places.

Also, Jason Statham's character, like all other characters he has played, are always tough guys. They're not romance movie or romance comedy perfect but they can hold their own. You know that if you're with a guy like that, you'll be cared for and protected. And once they love, they love for good. These kind of guys are very Charlotte Bronte not Jane Austen. Jane Austen's male leads have always been too soft for me. Now Charlotte Bronte. There's a lady you can depend on to write about male angst.

Anyway, it's not only a movie for guys with all the explosions and adrenaline. Somewhere at the end, the female takes over the driving. And dang, if I could drive aggressively like her, I can hold my head up high and really yell 'Chicks Rule!'

Oh, and did I mention the bitchy prison warden? She's cold and I don't blame her.

The movie's not the greatest but it's good to watch in this day when most of us are too afraid to stand up for our own rights. We have reached a point when we'd rather bitch at the coffee shops and behind closed doors rather than facing up to certain things. Some risks have to be worth taking. If not, why bother bitching about it? If you're not willing to fight for what you think is right then walk away and quit moaning about it.

Anyway, I always did love a good revenge movie or book. Especially when it's not chick flick revenge. There are times when violence and blood and gore makes a vengeance worth doing.

So says the girl carrying a knife in her bag at all times.

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