My cousin just sent me this link. He recommended it for the next time I'm in KL. How do I tell him that my sisters are sometimes scared of even being in their own house alone and that I have the most active imagination ever, even among my friends?

On the other hand, the morbid side of me finds this very interesting. Maybe I could ask my friends and Shook along instead of my sisters. My sisters would scare me to death along the way. With anyone else, I'd be too proud to show my full fears :)

Looking at the sites though, it seems to appeal more to the possibility of hauntings rather than really well known haunted places. And there are quite a few in KL and even here in Kuching. Or maybe they just don't want to push their luck.

But hey, if Americans can have tours of the Winchester manor, why can't we do something along the same lines?

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