I was driving to the grocery store tonight after sending my youngest sister to tuition and came across a red Kancil in the middle of the road near the Satok flyover. At first I thought it was my erratic night vision making the car seemed like it was just sitting there.

When I got nearer I realised it WAS just sitting there. Well, I was not able to swing around it immediately because of the oncoming traffic. While waiting for the road to clear, I was able to take a look at what was going on inside the car. My first thought was that someone had either passed out or broken down or just plain left the car there with its lights on and the engine running. The latter is, of course, the most ridiculous idea.

Anyway, when I finally did manage to get around the car, I glanced inside and saw a couple just sitting there. It was perplexing at first but then I noticed the guy looking at the girl rather seriously.

So my next thought was that it was one heck of a lovers' quarrel! I mean, it has to be for the guy to just stop the car in the middle of the road. And he even ignored the many hoots and honks from the other cars. This guy looked Malay and we all know Malay guys generally see honking as a challenge to their ego.

And if he was horny or anything like that, wouldn't he have picked a more secluded and darker place to stop at?

My sister had this idea that maybe the girl had dared him to stop in the middle of the road so he did.

I don't know and neither does it matter to me that they were there. All I can think of is that, no matter what the reason, did it never occur to them how dangerous it was to just be there like that?

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