I'm still in KL and am very, very close to being very, very broke. By the time I get back to Kuching, I will have only enough money to go watch movies and to eat at very, very cheap places.

On the other hand, I bought some stuff for some people. Well, Shook for one, although I'm not sure how he'll react to the things I got him. I also managed to get Rin her fuzzy dice. In red!! Hope she likes them. Tonight, I'm aiming to go to one of those accessories shop to get Miss Yodie her bling bling collar (bracelet to us humans!)

I have learnt a few things while here in KL. One is that the Johor-Riau accent used by the people here are slowly getting on my nerves. Another thing is that, when it's used by guys, it's a major turn-off. So sorry to admit this. Maybe I have been brainwashed!

One piece of good news is that I think I played a part in getting my cousin's girlfriend hooked onto blogging! She messaged me this morning saying that it should be banned because she was having too much fun. I replied by saying that she hasn't even gotten to the extra bits like customising yet.

I took lots of photos especially while I was at Putrajaya. I also went berserk in Alamanda. I will definitely post pictures when I get home.

I will be home tomorrow night by 9 p.m. Of course, priority to my time then goes to Shook. Hee! Hee!

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