Imagine this scene:

The city is in chaos. A chemical has been released into the environment and people were panicking. Their eyes were clouded by the gas and they were feeling more than a little sick. The hero was on the way but nobody was aware of this. The heroine had grabbed a lost child and was sheltering him with her body from the panicking masses.

She was attacked by a villain on horseback. There was silence. She looked into his eyes and knew she was facing a mad man. In the background, the opening chords of the soundtrack plays. Then, the scene changes. The hero swoops in and saves the heroine from further harm just as Westlife begins to sing "Queen of My Heart". After a few exchange of words, the hero jumps off to save the city from the Big Boss. As he does so, Westlife sings 'I'll always look back; As I walk away; This memory;Will last for eternity'

The hero then confronts the Big Boss all to the song of 'Queen of My Heart'. Through it all, the audience went from shocked silence to surprised laughter to indignant jeers and yells.

Sounds like a bad B-Grade movie? Well, that was what happened to us last night at Batman Begins. Looking back at it, we all later agreed that, for that short scene with Batman and Rachel, the song was almost appropriate. The original audio came back on seconds after but the damage was done. One good thing that might come out of it though is that I believe most of us that night will go make a few pirates extra happy now. We're going to buy the DVD, at least, just to get the unremixed version of the movie.

However, I think Westlife should get a slot in the Batman Begins soundtrack. And we should have gotten at least a Batman Begins movie poster to help us forget the trauma.

As for the movie, I believe Christian Bale has come a long way from Empire of The Sun. He was Batman in the way that most fans would approve of. He took on the character the way Micheal Keaton was known to do it. Instead of just one, he was two people; Bruce Wayne and Batman. Two different entities living in one body. And Christian Bale pulled it off admirably. Looking at Batman, I found it difficult to find Bruce Wayne and looking at Bruce Wayne, I would have laughed in your face if you had told me he was Batman (providing that I didn't already know it, of course). Christian Bale acted as he did in Equilibrium. Anyone who has not seen that movie yet, go watch it. Since I watched Equilibrium as the first of Christian Bale's action movies, I found it very impressive. Considering that the last time I saw him, he was only a child surviving in World War 2 and a Swing Kid during Nazi Germany and an American Psycho, Equilibrium blew my mind away. Christian Bale became more than just a good-looking face, more than a lovely pair of arms, more than a child actor who tried to play grown-up in a childish world. He became a hot action star, who almost put Keanu Reeves' Neo to shame.

I could have done without Rachel! Talk about token female lead role! Blasted Katie Holmes already got the guy she has been dreaming of marrying since she was small, what else does she want?! Isn't grave-robbing enough for her? Maybe they should have stuck with Sarah Michelle Gellar instead!

As for the Batman movies, I think they've gone back to basics, back to the comic books (as I was told by some fans of Batman!) Overall, even with Westlife crashing the party, I though the movie was pretty good. I even had a teary-eyed moment when Alfred was telling young Bruce about how his parents' death was not his fault. I think we all have an Alfred in our lives; someone who cares enough to try and help us find ourselves or to be better people. It's just a matter of whether we can lower our pride enough to accept what they are saying. As Alfred said, "Why do we fall, sir? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up"

What I want personally is a Lucius Fox and his lovely toys, especially the 'Batmobile'.

Next up - War of The Worlds!!

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