I was at the computer game shop last night to buy The Sims 2. I had two dvds of this game before. One seems to have gone missing while the other one doesn't install. So I bought another. While there, I saw that the shop had installed Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars in their pc. I've been fascinated since Jerome showed me the game trailer over the weekend. So I played around with the game for a while and now I'm interested. Only problem is I still have Evil Genius and Neverwinter Nights 2 in my pc. And I just bought Splinter Cell:Double Agent.

But I really, really would like to try Command and Conquer. Anyone else ever played it before? I don't remember hearing any of the guys ever playing it.

Now I'm afraid my Evil Genius cd might go missing. Games have a tendency of going missing among our friends. I know I bought one copy for Shook once and that's gone missing. Rin had one once and that's gone missing too. So my copy is the one we have now. Shook borrowed that and now Rin has it. If it stays with Rin, at least I know where to find it. But if it leaves that house, that might be the last I see of it. Maybe I'll get it back and make a copy and let that one run around among our friends.

I'm hoping very hard Evil Genius 2 will come out. That game gets more fun the more it's played. I played it the first time about 3 years ago. And, for once, I was the one who introduced it to all the guys. But they were not interested until I got Shook to play it. Let's just say we spent that entire Hari Raya stuck to our computers. And now, somehow, we're playing it again. Shook started it by mentioning it to Wil, who then put it into his pc. Then Rin got interested again and now she has it in her pc. I've always had it in mine so I was fine. But it is one very cool game. Where else can you get to play an evil genius?

I remember there was this PS2 game where you can play the devil and get as many souls as possible or try to conquer the world or something like that. Anyone remember that game? I want it now. I'm trying to take the PS2 back from Shook. Instead of it just sitting there, I might as well take it back to my place. And play God of War 2. Haha!

Comments (2)

On Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:51:00 pm , Eurocorp said...

I've finished C&C3 Tiberium Wars, a couple of weeks ago. It being the granddaddy of the real-time strategy genre, people i know play it for nostalgia.

The game doesnt stray from the tried and true formula of make money, buy troops and roll over your enemy with them. At the end of it, you gorgeous fmvs for mission briefings and aftermath. You'll recognize a few faces like Billy Dee Wiiliams and Michael Ironside, to name a few.

On Thursday, May 17, 2007 8:01:00 am , Raven said...

I now remember that Shook once played Comond and Conquer: Generals. Anyway, could I borrow the Tiberium Wars disc from you? I'd like to give it a try. You know, to expand my game horizons and all that ;)
And the Tiberium Wars has Grace Park in it. I like Grace Park and that other Cylon