Blogging this from the Golden Lounge at KLIA.

Incredibly, I am very, very glad to be heading back home. Not quite sure why but I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm scarily close to being broke. Luckily for me, my father paid back the RM500 he owed me so I still have some to get me by until next pay day.

On another note, I bought more stuff for Yodie than anyone else this time round. Haha!!

Also, I managed to get hold of a copy of the PC version of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory! So, I am really looking forward to installing it as soon as I can. The guy assured me that it does not need Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools to install. I hope he knew what he was talking about because I am really sick and tired of depending on Daemon Tools for any game.

For some silly reason, I'm wondering why we can't get broadband access while in the aeroplane.

And, despite being away only for a weekend, I really can't wait to get home!! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. Shook's there so where else would I rather be and all that jazz....

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