There will be 17 of us going to watch Narnia this Thursday night at 9.15 p.m.

This is a huge number. Therefore, due to the numbers involved and the fact that some might be financially challenged, Jerome and I thought it would be nice to go have dinner someplace other than Dennis's place or Great Kitchen. (See? I'm being nice and considerate again!!)

Let's try MyKampung dot com, which is on the ground floor of Medan Pelita. (Let's be adventurous and not boring old hussies!)

I heard the food is good and the cook is very flexible to difficult orders.

At the very least, if we get there at 7 or 7.30, we have time to sit around and chat and have a jolly good mind-numbing time before going upstairs to watch the movie.

Everyone is welcome to be there. Even if you're not watching the movie, you can be there. Emotions and frustrations aside, you may be there. Even if you only have 50 sens to rub together, you may be there. There should be a sucker in there somewhere who can pick up your tab.

I am trying to forget Karma came back to bite me in the butt for things done during university years here!

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