I was rather gleeful when I saw that Jerome had found Ramzi's website. For those of you who is yet unaware, Ramzi is the Middle Eastern hacker guy featured on Kevin Rose's Systm.

Shook was the one who introduced me to Systm but I have been crazy about Kevin Rose since I started watching TechTV years ago. It got to a point that when I found out Kevin was with Sarah Lane, I felt rather disappointed. It's so much easier going ga-ga over a single guy who does not know you exist than going ga-ga over a married guy who does not know you exist. So I transferred my focus to Leo, who is just as cool but minus the dark tips.

Anyway, before I digress too far, I was reading the fine print on Ramzi's blog and found that it was a tribute blog. Not really his. The one thing that did strike me though was the spelling for biatches. I know the African Americans usually say 'biatches'. Sometimes I do too when I'm around people who don't know what it means. But in typical Ramzi style, it's also spelled as 'beotches'. Thing is, in American pronounciation, both spellings are pronounced the same way. Here, we follow the British pronounciation which means the 'o' gets an 'o' pronounciation while the Amricans pronounce 'o' with an 'a' pronounciation. It's hilarious! And the blog can't seem to decide which spelling to stick to. But Systm was the first and probably only show I've seen spell it as 'beotches'.

But, overall, this whole event explains why Kevin Rose is hardly ever on G4TechTv while Kevin Pereira annoys me so much until I'm tempted not to watch it anymore. But fortunately, Brendan Moran can be the saving grace when Kevin Rose is 'missing', although Brendan gets a bit iffy sometimes.

Ah...life is good. Who says good-looking guys are only confined to the movie world of Hollywood?

Oh, while I'm at it, I found these again: Morgan Webb's blog and Cat Schwartz. And in case you're interested, here's Yoshi's forum. However, I've yet to find Adam Sessler's blog. How unfortunate. He would be hilarious to read.

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