Last night, while I was at Shook's house, Yodie got all attention-seeking and decided to tease me.

I chased her around the house for awhile then I went and hid from her. As she ran by, I jumped out and frightened her fur into puffing and she ran into Shook's room to hide under the bed. Later, she ran out and disappeared from sight. Now, I don't live in that house and, despite being there very often, I don't know Yodie's hiding places and ambush points.

So what happened when I walked out to find her? This huge puffball comes hopping out of the laundry room/wet kitchen right next to Shook's room and runs straight into my foot, scaring the bejeebers out of me!! I shrieked, she ran and Shook laughed his eyes out! So, I sent out an sms to Azreen reporting about her ambushing cat.

Then, while I was watching American Idol, I realised that the metal flowers on the railing of the stairs near the TV could actually be spun. So I was doing that when Yodie came to me. I showed it to her and it kept her occupied for all of ten minutes, during which time she was doing some stretching and precarious standings to reach the flowers to spin them.

Oh, did I also mention she finished off an entire fried chicken breast? Yodie's a great dinner companion. She finishes off the larger portion of my food, therefore helping me to cut down on eating. Considering that I eat mainly to stop myself from bloating up with air (I was told it's a gastric thing but I'm too stubborn to get it cured) I'm rather glad Yodie's around to help me finish off pieces of chicken that I'm usually not in the mood to eat. But hey, chicken is healthier than rice and instant noodles, huh? Because instant noodles would be my other alternative.

So anyway, when Azreen came home just before midnight to change, I was too tired to move and Yodie was merely waiting for me to leave so that she could try and sneak out.

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