Today, one of my students said, "Miss, we need to improve our social skills."

After being with them for 3 years, I knew this was a hint that they wanted some free time or they wanted to sit and chat with me about something. Actually, she meant more along the lines of communication skills.

So I asked her why she thought we should improve our social skills. This was just to see what the answer would be.

Her answer? "So that we would know what to say to who and when. If we don't have any social skills, we might offend other people with what we say while not knowing that we said it."

To be honest, this statement made me proud. I have always believed that, as far as my students as concerned, "Hope springs eternal." and today, they came through.

If a 15-year old can know this, you sometimes wonder why adults can't. Or is it that they choose not to?

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