Hi everyone!!

No, I'm not whacked yet nor have I reached the deep end. But I was reading this blog that came recommended through the Blogger email list and I think it's totally...weird. It is so crazy that I can only call it funny! The guy just goes on and on and on and on. He reminds me of one of my hyper students at school. I'm not even going to comment on the grammar. But he's a big fan of Need For Speed Most Wanted so some people might think he's not so bad. Oh well, to each his own.

And, I have solved the problem of my wacky blog template. But I'm still too lazy to upload the new codes for it. I just had a tiring weekend, that's all.

Also, I've been reading some articles which I think some people might find rather interesting.

1) Calorie burning drinks
2) Healthy food that make you fat
3) (My favourite line so far) - "casual sex with friends is the doughnut of romance. You may think its tasty now, but youll pay for it later." Hilarious. Article's interesting too.

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