I just thought of something.

Biasness aside, I find Shook one of the most fascinating men ever. My father and my 'big brother' do not count because they've been in my life my entire life. They seem to have this inherent need to protect me form what they are or what they can be.

But Shook, being what he is to me, is slowly allowing me to see a wider aspect of his life. He used to be one of the most secretive people I know. Until I accused him of being unfaithful, that is. You see, generally, girls can very good at being doubting Thomases. So the moment a guy acts secretive, they think the worst. And I am the best at being a doubting Thomas. To be fair, the same would probably apply to guys as well where girls are concerned. I've seen girls be very secretive but expect the guys to be totally open with them. Most guys I know get very frustrated with this and that's why some relationships break apart.

Anyway, I digressed. Why did I bring Shook up suddenly? Well, DUH!!! You expect me to think about some other guy?! How unfaithful is that?!

Haha! I only thought of Shook because he has the most fascinating list of Favourites in his computer. If I could steal half those links, I'll be happy. So far, I've only stolen about 3 or 4. But then, if I did steal them, he won't much left to be one-up on me. Hmmm.....

Oh, on that note, I once read an article in the newspaper about being the perfect girlfriend. One of it was to help your boyfriend to save face. Personally, I find that a rather apt concept since guys always seem very concerned about how other guys see them. And I read the article to the end only to see how I stacked up against other people's concept of the perfect girlfriend, and found that I have it all covered. Most girls would get all giggly and happy about it. I just went 'oh shit! That's a lot to hang onto! Talk about pressure on myself!'

And with that, I shall now go and do what I've been promising for ages to do - clean up my room!

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