The template was changed again for two reasons. One, it's a new year and two, it's my birthday month, or birth month, whichever way you want to see it. The template's still a bit off somehow but I've not been working on it really hard. Plus the internet connection is still a little unstable that I just quickly check my emails then log off to be safe.

I was out at MoJo with Gette tonight. She introduced me to two of her friends, Maggie and Brenda. They are two hilarious ladies, I tell ya. I had a great time with them. It's been awhile since I had a great time with anyone. We talked about almost everything under the sun. In tonight's case, it was everything under the chaotic looking lamp shades. And best of all, none of us were afraid to admit that yes, we listen to the soundtrack of High School Musical and we know the words and yes, we get scared by certain horror movies and no, we refuse to read reviews before we watch a movie. Oh, and also, yes, for the right price, I'll take the humpalot. Incidentally, that last line was a quote from Gette.

Tonight was a very good girls' night out. Best part is we didn't even talk about guys. Brad Pitt, Clive Owen and Craig Daniel don't count!

I miss girls' nights out. And I miss having my opinions respected and listened to instead of being shot down point blank or even before I utter them. Tonight, I was not shy to admit that I have no idea what that actor's name is or where he last acted in or who directed that movie or even that I think Keanu Reeves not only looks better than Jay Chou, he acts better too.

I had fun tonight. So I was very glad I decided to go with Gette to MoJo.

P.S.: I still can't believe I dreamt about Craig Daniel as Shook as James Bond. Haha!

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