One of my many vices is my inability to resist temptation.

Remember my plan to run some errands today and then go shoe shopping?

Well, I only managed to achieve the errands bit. I went to the Registrar of Society, got the information I needed on what to do to get my club constitution changed and then headed out to the Maybank near Sarawak Plaza to add my signature on the club account's signatories.

That was my primary reason for going out and I completed it.

Then I made the mistake of walking into the bookshop. I saw a book I wanted but I changed my mind and bought a book for my youngest sister instead. She had been asking for the Chronicles of Narnia so I got it for her.

Then I decided to walk to Times bookstore and Popular bookstore. At Popular I again saw the book I wanted but in a hardcover edition. I figured if it was going to pop out at me that way, I might as well get it. So I walked to Times across the road hoping they would have the softcover. Turns out they didn't, but they had a whole lot of books I found interesting.

So I then did the most confusing thing ever. I walked back to Sarawak Plaza, bought the book I first saw there, then walked to Times to buy the other books I was eyeing. And along the way, I stopped at McDonald's to get the oh-so-lovely-my-favourite veggie burger, which just arrived in Kuching after I have been craving it for years since leaving the US!!

Anyway, by the time I got to my car, which was parked behind Parkson, I was carrying three plastic bags. Did I mention that I also made a pit stop at Watsons too?

So, well, yeah, the books. My vice. One of many that I have. Hence the temptation I could not resist. But I usually buy books like this on an annual basis anyway. Just that, it's been awhile since I've done this in Kuching. But since I'm probably not going to KL this year, I figured I'm doing OK on the annual thing.

Anyway, the books I got today are:

1) The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
2) Atlantis by David Gibbins
3) Serenity by Keith R.A. DeCandido
4) After Midnight by Teresa Medeiros
5) Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean by Justin Somper

They should keep me occupied effectively throughout the upcoming holidays.

I wanted to get the Amateur Naturalist for Shook because he did express an interest a few times, but with Shook, it's always wiser to drag him along to buy just to make sure he still wants it.

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