For the past 5 years, I have discovered a pattern within myself.

I get cranky and extremely short-tempered during the months of May-June and September-November. It's not a moon cycle or anything. Those are just the months when I have to deal with exam papers to prepare and mark and grade and student reports. During the end of the year, that load is added by a yearbook to complete, various paperwork to close, students to keep an eye on to make sure they maintain discipline and field trips to organise.

In the past 5 years, I have discovered that the only true holiday I have is the year-end holiday. Any other holiday is just a token break with only the perks of waking up only when I want to and being able to work while watching TV or listening to music. Everything else is still very much the same. I work during my holidays, my breaks and my weekends. I work in school for 8 hours straight (try standing up all day teaching inquisitive and (sometimes) arrogant teenagers). Then I go home, take a short rest, eat dinner and do work again until 1 a.m. If I go out with Shook, I sometimes take my work with me and do it at his house.

I have given up the luxury of playing any PC games or watching late-night TV during school days. Even my brand new laptop is there for me to carry my work around with me. And most of all, I've given up even complaining about my voluntary, unpaid overtime work because I will always meet someone who claims they work harder than I do!

But..BUT...despite all this, despite my exhaustion of mind and body, the one thing I always, always make time for is the chance to hang out with my friends. I've told Shook that he relaxes me. He helps me think of things other than myself and my job.

My friends, like Rin, Jerome, Nick and guys at the Crib, remind me that there is more to my life than just working and earning money. I may start out cranky and sarcastic with them or even yawning my head off, but I know I can always depend on them to help me either unload or start laughing and forgetting how tired I really am.

So I did what I had to do. Despite my immense bills, I set my priorities straight and always try to go out and have fun with my friends.

The family is there with their unconditional love and support. True friends are there when the world walks out on you.

Besides, as my students always say, we all need to improve on our social skills so that we know how to be a friend. I do have some wise students in my class...

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