After the disappointment that was the Sound of Thunder, I am more, more, more than ready to go watch Transporter 2. It'll probably turn out to be better because it has a winning combination - the good-looking (to me!) anti-hero, cars and lots of action! So anyone up for it...maybe this Friday or Saturday evening?

On another note, I am feeling less stressed because my work is almost done. A few pages for the school yearbook, finish marking my History and Business Studies papers, key in the marks and grades, plan the year-end picnic for the students and I AM DONE!!! Wohoo! I'm so ahead that I've already put into motion my students' plans for next year's prom in October!

With that, I'm asking for suggestions on what to do for the holidays. I'm looking for things within reason, mind you! If some smartass starts telling me to go to Singapore and KL to do shopping, I'll tell you to pay for my expenses and if you can't, you can go piss off!

Also, I was reading a blog entry by Azreen and I oh so agree with her 150%! It is retarded to go after someone else's boyfriend. Almost like saying you're either desperate or too lazy to go look for your own! Getting a life would be the first step to getting a partner. Some people do see the laid-back attitude as attractive. So if you have a stick up your ass, of course you'll never get a partner! {Although I do know someone who is dating another girl's boyfriend and stayed because the guy managed to convince her he'd break up with Girl #1 if he could but couldn't because Girl#1 knows some of his darkest secrets and threatens to go to his father with it if he breaks up with her - sounds so cliche, huh? I figured there and then that if I'm ever in that situation, someone please shoot me because it's so demeaning and stupid! Which is also why I had to do research on Shook to make sure he's not the type to string girls along}

Somewhere along the same line, I'd like to share two quotes I saw at my doctor's clinic.

The man who does not work for the love of work but only for money is not likely to make money nor to find much fun in life - Charles M Schwab

When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is a duty, life is slavery. - Maxim Garly

I only brought it up because it does tie-in with the stick-up-the-ass thing.

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