I took a nap this afternoon and because my mind is so relaxed, I did what was normal for me. I had a dream.

The dream started simple enough. The father was a doctor at the hospital, the mother was a housewife and there were 3 children; the oldest boy, the second girl and the youngest boy.

Daily life was normal until one day, the father brought a young male intern home to stay with them during his internship. He was good-looking (at least that's what the daughter of the family claimed) with hazel eyes and wind-blown brown hair. The daughter, being the typical teenager, watched him often and tried to act more matured to attract his attention. The intern (I think his name was Scott Hadely) was hardly ever home due to his schedule but when he was, he always helped around the house and watched football with the 2 boys.

Then, Aunt Letitia and Aunt Abby came to visit. For some reason, the murders started then. The nearby townspeople were murdered one by one. The children began suspecting their Aunt Abby. Despite her peititeness and her only concern seems to be her long blonde hair and her pretty looks, she did have the tendency to go out to town alone at night. Aunt Letitia was tall, black-haired and very New Age.

{The phone in my house rang once and dragged me awake, but when I lay back, the dream started again. The scene had changed}

There was panic in the household. The children had seen the murderer in the midst of a murder and had managed to convince their mother that Aunt Abby was the murderer. The bloody dress of the latest murder victim was found in the bathtub in Aunt Abby's bathroom.

The mother bundled everyone into Scott's 4-wheel drive and drove to town to tell the sheriff. The youngest boy looked into the back and saw a box. He yelled out, making everyone scream. He pointed to the box, which contained the oilskin and boots. THe oldest boy flipped the oilskin aside and there lay a bloody machete. The girl stated the obvious, "Scott's the murderer!"

They raced to the hospital, knowing their father was there with Scott. When they got there, they found out their father was in the middle of a surgery. They turned to go and came face to face with Scott. He smiled and the girl said,"Your hair's wet."

"I just had a shower," he replied.

"Your shoes are wet," the youngest boy said, looking down. They all looked at Scott's feet. Before Scott could get an answer out, they walked away.

{The blasted phone rang again. When I sank back to sleep, the scene had changed.}

The sheriff was grateful to the children for helping him catch Scott. Apparently, Scott had a multiple personality disorder and didn't know he was killing people. HIs other personality was responsible.

A car came up the driveway and it was Aunt Letitia. She was glad they had caught Scott and she came by to report that Aunt Abby got on her cruise safe and sound.

{Then I woke up fully and found out that I had been asleep for 2 hours!}

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