I was driving home from Shook's place at 1.00 o'clock this morning and I decided to try something along the strip of road just near my house. With all the street lightings and the added inconvenience of the rain, I switched off my car lights.

Now, with all the street lights every few meters of each other, I realised that a person, even with crappy vision like mine, can see while driving with no headlights and in the rain. I emphasise the rain factor here because the rain can do hell to your vision when the light reflects off those tiny droplets of water on your windscreen! Sometimes, at just the right angle, the light plus rain plus physics can blind you momentarily.

So, with all these factors taken into consideration, why then on God's green Earth would our local car manufacturers need to put those horrendously bright lights on those terribly light vehicles we call the Proton Saga, Wira, Perdana, Kancil, Kenari and Kelisa?! It was not enough that they use the high watt bulbs on the small lights, they added similar wattage bulbs on the regular lights. Therefore, when the users switch them on, they blind you! And this is even before they get to the high beam! What were they thinking?!! Did these engineers or whoever they were not test these lights properly? Do they not drive themselves? Do they think everyone suffers from night blindness? What?!

And not to be outdone, in our usual low self-esteem way, some of the drivers who have regular lights, decide to change their light from the soft yellow bulbs to the bright, white fluorescent bulbs! They light up the road all by themselves! Who needs street lighting anymore when they're around?! And then...then you have the odd moron who decides to put fog lights on their 4-wheel drives! Where's the fog? You want fog? Go to England! Or Michigan in December! Go there! Kill them with your fog lights! I have rarely, if ever, heard of Kuching being shrouded in FOG!

Heck, even my puny Honda Prelude had fog lights when I got them. What did I do? I killed the fog lights! I live in the city. I would never bring my car back to my father's kampung because the journey there would kill my car! The bumps there and the uneven road would destroy my car to shreds. My car would no longer have a bottom because it would be broken beyond repair. Getting to the kampung will stop my heart beat because my heart will sink to my feet everytime the bottom hits and scraps the road or bump. In the city, nobody needs bring lights. We have more than enough. In certain kampungs, where you can't see 5 meters in front of you due to the lack of light, by all means, get a fog light if you need to.

But how many of those beautiful 4-wheel drives actually go off-road as they were meant to go anyway?

Think about it!

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