Yodie is the most amazing, annoying, entertaining and mind-boggling feline I have ever seen in my entire life! And, believe you me, I've seen some!

I've volunteered to clean the zoo during Autumn while in the US and I've seen Timber Wolves and Ilamas and Camels and many strange behaving creatures. I had 2 cats while I was in the US as well. None of them, feline or otherwise, are as fascinating as Yodie.

But the best part is, I've got to know her very well the past three days and we've reached an understanding; me and that competition for Shook's affections.

Last week, I was angry at her. I was so pissed that I wanted to shake her and throw her out of my sight. The thing is Shook adores that feline and I knew doing what I wanted to do would only get him angry at me. So I showed Yodie who was boss. Small things, like closing the door and refusing to share my food with her until she got off the table and ignoring her when she tried to get all cuddly with me. And she knew I was angry. She was torn between playing with me and doing me real harm. Our final showdown was a staring match while Shook was busy surfing the Net. And I won!

Since Friday, Shook's parents have not been around. So that left Shook taking care of Yodie and responsible for buying her food. That also left Shook being Yodie's playmate and the one worrying whether Yodie was alone at home or not. So my own social life went zilch. {I can go out without Shook but then would a good girlfriend be that selfish? I have to be supportive, if nothing else. And goodness knows what he or anyone else might think if I left him at home and went out with other guys at night, even if they are our mutual friends!!}

So, we've been spending the whole weekend only out of the house for two hours at most and then the rest of the night keeping Yodie company. After our little spat last week, Yodie has became as close to being my faithful pup as she is to Shook. Granted she only obeys his commands and hand signals but some of that respect from her has extended itself to me. She shows extraordinary intelligence enough to understand when I tell her she won't get any food from me if she's on the table or when I tell her, I'm not in the kitchen to feed her. Now, she keeps as close an eye on me as she does Shook.

It may not seem like a big deal but she understands and listens when I tell her some things. Between us, we've established that the slot for Shook's love has been narrowed to only me and her and nobody else. And if another female comes on to Shook, Yodie has my blessings to tear her to shreds! Or fungi-fy her!

Yodie allows me to groom her with her comb but she shows an unusual fear for her comb. Tonight, I was waving the comb at the TV and when I turned back to Yodie with it, she flinched. She even almost bit me until I had to croon to her and gently comb her with it.

If there ever is a machine which lets me read that feline's mind, I will get it, I tell you!

Oh, she did the most incredible thing yesterday. She stood on hindlegs on the dining chair while staring into the kitchen. Then she ran into the kitchen and looked at the ceiling. While Shook and I were trying to figure out what she was looking at, she ran back to the chair and stood on hindlegs and stared into the kitchen again. What we later figured out is that, she had seen something from the dining room but lost sight of it when in the kitchen. So she went back to the dining room to double check where she last saw it. 'It' also turned out to be a dragonfly.

So, now Yodie's other nickname is 'Yodie, Dragon Hunter', in addition to 'Catface', 'Fluffy Lunatic', 'Yodiemus'.

I call her Fluffy Puppy. Tonight, I sang the words 'Yodie baby,' to her and her ears twitched at me! Tonight, too, she grabbed my wrist and for some unknown reason, pulled my hand down so that it covered her face. Then she baby-bit the palm of my hand.

That feline, who thinks she's a dog who thinks she's a cat, is a puzzle. But, at least, she stays when I tell her to stay and comes to me when I pat my thigh.

The sense of achievement? Very sinfully there in buckets and spades!

[I love that feline, but she is helping reinforce my idea that any children Shook and I will have will spend a lot of time in military school! I don't want him to lose sleep worrying whether his son or daughter is safe!]

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