Remember the dinner I had with Shook, Mac and Rin? Well, it got me thinking.

Anyway, I told Rin about how some people we know have changed for the better over the five years that I've known them. Some others, though, just seem to be stuck in a rut. Sad thing is the rut is of their own making. Some of them know very well that they can't be anywhere other than where they are but they seem unwilling to make the best of it. And some others have been adviced by most of us but can't seem to figure out that we're trying to help them.

For instance, take Jerome. If you want to know what a die-hard fan of role playing games, Mech Warriors, Star Wars and computers look like, look at Jerome. That guy can sit with anyone for hours explaining in minute detail what the mech warrior is capable of doing. At the same time, Jerome doesn't take himself too seriously and he is very much aware of his own faults. And even if he is not, you only need to tell him nicely and he'll get the idea. Best part about Jerome is that he does listen and he does try to change for the better. He doesn't try too hard to fit in but he knows when to behave in what way. He acknowledges his own shortcomings and doesn't try to impose his presence on any of us. Jerome knows how to have fun. He doesn't force himself to show he's having fun. He just goes out and does it. And also, Jerome doesn't pretend to be someone he's not. He doesn't pretend to like us if he doesn't like us. He doesn't pretend to understand if he doesn't understand. he does the best thing possible. He asks.

And with Jerome, he is happy how he is and he doesn't try to be like Mac or Shook or anyone else. Jerome is Jerome. I wish more people I know could have his confidence to be themselves.

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