I have issues. Man, do I have issues!

One, Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith a.k.a Star Wars Episode III. How could something that grossed so much turn out to be so blah?! As Rin said, after watching Shook play LEGO Star Wars, I expected more from the movie itself. Now, we've decided that they should have turned the LEGO game into the movie instead. The fights were good, Obi-Wan was good although he dished out a lot of cheesy one-liners, the effects were great and the story basically filled in all the gaps and answered all possible Star Wars questions. But as Shook said in the car on the way home, it's like a French movie - full of cheese and w(h)ine. Then at dinner earlier, Rin helped me remember where the line 'Don't go where I cannot follow' originally came from - Frodo the Hobbit in Lord of The Rings. Nothing on this great Earth can get any cheesier than that line. However, if you want to read what a die-hard Star Wars fan has to say about it, go ask Mac.

Two, Malay movies. I watched Senario:Lang Buana because Shook really, really was keen on it. Generally, I don't watch Malay movies and I only went to this one because of him. It turned out that I was cheerfully proven wrong as I enjoyed the movie a lot. Unfortunately, the extra enthusiastic audience made the experience a little too annoying for me. So, with this movie, I figured I might have been a bit too harsh where Malay movies are concerned. So when all the hype came out about Sepet, I cheerfully and very optimistically went to watch it. Again, I came away very happy. So happy, in fact, that I went out and bought the original VCD the very next day. At this point, my opinion about Malay movies went up a few notches. Then I went with Rin and Shook to watch Sembilu 2005. This was a disaster. I can't even begin to explain how disastrous it was. Despite everyone raving about it and us making fun of it throughout the movie (and probably annoying some real fans), I walked away from it with a very awful taste in my mouth. This movie not only showed the underlying low self-esteem of the Malays but it also showed how racist some people can get. I truly expected more from Yusof Haslam but apparently this movie was very well received in West Malaysia. Throughout the movie, there was this blatant theme of how a Malay girl cannot have a relationship with a Chinese boy. There's even a line where the Chinese boy's parents actually told their son that they will get into trouble if he continues his relationship with the Malay girl. Other than the fact that this is very true in West Malaysia, as a person who comes from mixed parentage and a Sarawakian to boot, I find this theme very disturbing. My parents have friends who want to send their children here just so that they will not face such discrimination like this. I have friends who toyed with the idea of moving here because the guy is Malay and the girl is Chinese and they know their parents will not accept their relationship. I just find this movie very, very disturbing personally because I don't like to see what Malaysia is becoming. (For you folks in West Malaysia, yes, Sarawak is still in Malaysia the last time I checked our Geography and History books!) And it's also disturbing because my mother is Chinese-Portuguese and my dad is Malay-Arab. During James Brooke's time, I wouldn't be alive because my parents would have been on opposite sides unless they did a Romeo and Juliet thing. So, yes, Sembilu 2005 has, within an hour, destroyed all my faith in Malaysian movie makers. So don't question my stubborness about watching another Malay movie unless it is by Yasmin Ahmad!

Third, some people might be wondering why I've been a little anti-social and a wee bit judgemental of late. One is it's end of term so I'm stressed and exams are on. I teach 3 subjects at school; IGCSE History, IGCSE Business Studies and Humanities. The two IGCSE subjects have 2 papers each. So in all, I have to mark 102 essay answer papers and 8 short-answer papers. Besides which I will have 59 reports to write during this semester holiday. So my holiday will not be a holiday unless I take it really slowly. Some people just refuse to understand that a good teacher works 24-7 even during the holidays. When I take time out to be with friends, I do it to calm down and relax, not to be judged and criticised or to have my grammar checked. Yes, I'm a teacher. Yes, I am qualified to teach English as a Language. Yes, I speak English rather well. But if I have to keep up my hoity-toity English-checking self then I'm not relaxed. I will think like a teacher and check everyone's grammar like a teacher with all the rules and regulations and pronounciation and whatnots. So please, please stop saying things like 'Eeee...English teacher talk like that!'. If I don't deserve to relax then excuse me now while I go kill myself. Two (yes, there is a second part to this) I don't like being nagged into doing anything. If I don't want to call you to ask you to join us, it's probably because you annoy me, you get on my nerves, I'm stressed and I might actually use Shook's knife on you or I'll get up close and personal and go for your jugular, or I might even be trying to be nice and allow you some time with your not-so-near-to-Kuching girlfriend like I do with Art. When Cecelia is in town, I don't even sms Art much less telephone him to ask if he wants to join us for dinner. I leave them alone because I know Art rarely sees Cecelia and he might want some time alone with her. Friends do that for each other. We can be considerate if we feel you deserve it or want it. Friends do that even for me and Shook every Friday night unless we ask them to join us for dinner. That's what good friends do for their friends. If you keep calling us when your other half is around, then you might need to reconsider your relationship.

Fourth, my dad bought me a camera. It's a Sony Cybershot DSC-P200. The picture above was taken from the Sony website. So far, it works rather well. And from the ooohhhs and aahhhs I got when I showed it off last night, I think the guys thought it was good too. The reason I got this camera was because my dad likes Sony cameras. The shop we got it from also provides superb after-sale services. The real reason why I even got a camera is because my dad gave mine away to people from his constituency. Last night, Eric asked why my dad didn't just loan it to them. It's diffcult to explain to someone who is not involved in politics. And yes, for a Member of Parliament to loan things out is just not good. Not only will it might not come back (which means you might as well give it away anyway) but people will also talk about the loan. Most of us know how hard it is to live in a small kampung (village) where everyone knows what everyone else is doing and will judge you on it. Well, in my dad's case, imagine if the kampung area is widened by a few hundred more acres. That's what he has to deal with.

And this is one long post. So far, these are all the issues I have right now. They're not raving neither are they ranting. They're just..issues. Now, i need to go and relax for a while then go with my mom to the beads shop and then start marking History papers. I still have 2 piles waiting for me. Oh, and I also need to type out my minutes from the last AGM I was at. And I was in the papers again yesterday, which makes it 3rd or 4th this year. It's not so bad on its own but when someone recognises you from it, it's enough to make me want to hide my face somewhere. Haha!!
P.S.: I'm in a good mood today. Don't ruin it or I will get nasty! (Am I being childish? Well, how often do you see me childish anyway? So deal with it!)

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