Last night, Shook and I were joined by Mac and Rin for dinner at the Sarawak Club. While there, we were talking about people that we know and about how they've changed mostly for the better.

We also enlightened Rin about some friends we have and why we don't see them very often usually. The fact that we saw more of them the past few weeks than ever before is because of her and her 'heee's. (This is a long story and for some of us, it'll be like listening to a tape stuck on repeat). If you want to know it that badly, maybe you could check out her blog and get a clearer picture.

Anyway, we were talking about friends we want to see more often but just can't seem to catch them at the right time and friend we don't really want to see too much of but they pop out in front of us anyway.

Sometime ago, I mentioned Art in my blog and I had hoped that some people would understand then why I seem to have this soft spot for Art.

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