Sometimes I forget certain things that I believe in. Then something happens and this helps me remember all over again.

It's good to be able to get two sides of the same story. It's the same as the 'walk a mile in someone else's shoes and then you'll learn more about them' concept. I try. I always try and some people do appreciate me for it.

To those guys who do, thank you very much. And thank you for being thankful that I am who I am. As for those who are silently, and some loudly, declaring they wish they could meet someone exactly like me to be theirs, too bad guys! There's only one of me and this has been proven over and over again ;)

You all better take care and be safe. If anything happens to any of you, I'm going to do a Willow and bring you back from whichever life you are at and torture you with this life again!
PS: Eric and me, we're cool now! As for Nick and me, we're cool too! Not bad for a 24-hours work, if I may say so myself.

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