While I was at Hopoh yesterday, I went to my regular pc software shop. I couldn't help overhearing this guy there talking really big and really loudly about how a few of the softwares they have don't work and were crappy.

Then my sister was asking about Photoshop CS3. So I told her I have it. He happened to overhear me and asked "It doesn't work, right?"

My reply was that I hadn't tried it yet. And he said "Don't bother. It won't work. I guarantee."

He was very uppity about it and very smug. So I just said if it doesn't work, I'll download it or wait awhile before trying a different copy. Then he said downloading takes too long. More than an hour. Real dumbass! was my next thought.

So I told him I download smart. I keep it overnight and when I wake up, it's done. To which he couldn't reply because he had hinted that waiting for it makes him sleepy.

Out of curiosity, I tried installing my Photoshop CS3. I had absolutely no problems with it. It's in my pc now and I'm using it to make a phone theme.

And if any of you know this asshole, tell him he knows nut!! I should have figured it out when he was raving about Vista. Any idiot knows Vista is not yet compatible with everything.

PS: He's a huge-sized guy. Probably even double Jerome's size. With a louder voice. And very holier-than-thou. You can't miss him.

Comments (2)

On Sunday, June 03, 2007 11:50:00 am , Eurocorp said...

Does he look uglier than Seng's a$$ and has a thick lower lip? If that's him, then I have the distinct displeasure of knowing the moron. Forgive me while while I rant.

He's a bit loony. On the surface, he may sound knowledgeble but once you start on the details, he folds faster than a house of Munchkin cards.

How did I know him? He wanted my job at Cyber City as tech/customer support. Came to the shop one day, started flaunting his resume at the staff, while I was on my off day (yes...very brave of him...mucho cohones) and told them he could do a better job than I can.

We met a week later. He came for a short visit, we talked, he left. I went on to work with Cyber City for another year or so before working with Leon.

On Monday, June 04, 2007 10:23:00 am , Raven said...

I didn't bother noticing his facial features. But he was flapping his lip. What especially annoyed me was that he was openly criticisng the software they sold there. I was so tempted to tell him that if he hated it that much, go somewhere else. He was making everyone uncomfortable. And he was there when Winnie and her husband were not. It was only the helpers who were there.

Well, he did shut up when I hinted he downloaded like a stupid moron anyway. If I ever meet him again, I'll looudly tell him my CS3 works perfectly. Maybe he did it wrong? Haha! Dumbass!