I have heard many 'horror' stories about Telekom but never came across it myself until recently.

I have been having problems with my internet connection since that huge storm we had some weeks ago. After getting a new network card, I discovered that the line might be at fault too. So I reported that in.

Two days after it was repaired, the line was still wonky. So I inquired about it. Streamyx checked and called me at 10 p.m. (Wow! Just to show off that they're working very hard to solve my problem *dripping in sarcasm, if you happen to miss that one*) to tell me that it was my line at fault, so I'd have to call Telekom.

The next day, I called Telekom, who was able to check immediately. After pushing so many press-1-if-you-want-telephony-press-2-if-you-want-service buttons, I finally got to a human being. She then checked and told me that my connection is not working because my line has been suspended since 2005.

This was a gobsmacked moment. The reason I suspended that line is because I was sick and tired of getting calls at 4 a.m. from idiots claiming to have called the wrong number! And idiots who decide to only breathe into the phone and definitely telemarketing idiots who can't understand the word 'no'! And my line has been fine since 2005. I only got a problem 2 weeks ago!!

To which the technical assistant gave me the best answer this year! 'Oh. I don't know then. You have to go to TMPoint.'

Isn't the whole idea of a techie is so that you would know?! Then why on God's green earth are you at the technical support side if you know nuts?!

At this point, I gave up. Right now, my connection seems fine but I sure as hell will make sure someone knows about this. Someone at Telekom.

You know how people usually say 'The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing'? Well, with Telekom, its 'The thumb not knowing what the ring finger is doing'.

THAT'S how stupid I think they are!!

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