Someone or something actually posted a comment at my last post calling me a fat, ugly bitch. Not that I've ever denied being either one of that. But I deleted it because it really sullies my blog.

But I always wonder how people who have so much to say decide to say it anonymously. If you feel that you're so justified in your views, by all means, do it the correct way and let me know. Or at least, try to sound smarter than a mere 'you're a fat ugly bitch'.

It's not like I stole anyone from you. He most likely didn't want you to begin with. And if I choose to not acknowledge your existence then most likely you don't matter to me at all.

But at least have the guts to say it to my face instead of hiding behind the World Wide Web, yellow-bellied coward that you are!

And if turns out to be a bot, those things are dumb anyway! But I'm choosing not to dwell on people or things that have nothing better to do that swear at people anonymously. They're probably the same kind of people who act tough in heavily tinted cars and run away screaming like girls when confronted for real.

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