Read Deathly Hallows. Very disappointed and very frustrated. I hope it's the very last book. I can't take anymore of this rubbish. Rin knows people who can write better versions. Rowlings should have paid her editor double instead of sacking him. Heck, I'm not even sure I can take any more movies after Order of the Phoenix. That was one other disappointment. It's good if you can relate to whiney brats and teenage angst.

Will be at Palm Beach Resort from Wednesday onwards. Not on vacation but working. Taking 31 teenagers for an excursion and I'm the only one who can see the potential danger in the area. Every other adult thinks it's a vacation and they deserve to sleep at night. Yeah, right!

Tooth aches and hopefully going to the dentist today. My mother can't believe I withstood the pain. I told her it was mind over matter. I'm used to disappointment and pain so moaning about it won't change anything.

Got a wonderful email from a very good friend in the US. She and her husband are planning to attend the wedding. I'm very excited now. I can't wait to see her.

This was supposed to be a quick one. Haha!

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